
[ 18-03-2011 ]



吉隆坡2011年3月16日- 亚洲音乐爱好者大可准备闻歌起舞了!Tiger将在马来西亚呈献直至目前为止规模最大的亚洲音乐节。这个长达十个小时令人惊喜的音乐盛会,精彩节目连绵不断,肯定是亚洲音乐爱好者不可错过的。

20多位来自7个亚洲国家的知名艺人,将在斯里肯邦岸绿野国际会展中心(MIECC)热闹登场。音乐节将于2011430日下午2时正式引爆。届时,国际和本地艺人将会施展浑身解数,落力演出。这些表演嘉宾包括韩国的Se7en、香港的陈冠希和农夫、台湾的張芸京和黄小琥、中国的周笔畅、新加坡的王俪婷(Olivia Ong)、泰国的Namcha和马来西亚本地艺人刘纾妤和dayDream 等等。

令人兴奋的还不止此。当天的司仪阵容同样出色。三位司仪包括来自香港的胡蓓蔚,和两位在本地中文娱乐圈名气响当当的Astro MY FM DJ 颜薇恩和陈浩然。他们将带动盛会气氛,让乐迷整个晚上都情绪高涨。当然,更少不了源源不绝冰凉怡神的Tiger,和乐迷们同欢共庆。

Tiger 市场经理郭进顺说:“音乐是世界共通的语言,能够拉近国家和人民的距离。而亚洲音乐正经历令人鼓舞的发展。对于能够成为这大型音乐节的一分子,享誉国际的亚洲品牌Tiger感到十分兴奋。这是名副其实亚洲音乐迷都引颈期待的唯一盛事,让人在同一场合去体验亚洲音乐和不间断的演出。我们希望它能成为所有亚洲音乐爱好者永远难忘的一天。“

门票从3月14日起公开在位于谷中城The Boulevard的 银河集团办公室以及位于金河广场大堂和Wisma MPL (HLA) 的Galaxy售票柜台发售。此外,也在Ticket Charge分店(www.ticketcharge.com.my); 全国包括东马来西亚的Speedy Video分店发售。

此外,公众人士也可以在半岛各Rock Corner 和 Station  One分店购票。也可以通过www.ilassotickets.com网上预订。Tiger FC 会员和Tiger FC信用卡和预付卡会员在Galaxy售票柜台购票时出示会员卡和信用卡,即可享有10%的折扣。

 亚洲音乐节只为年满18岁的音乐爱好者而设。本次活动的合作伙伴包括MY FM, 亚航, 国泰航空, Everlast, Station One, Mint, Canon 和 Neway。要了解更多关于Tiger  亚洲音乐节和购票详情,请浏览http://www.galaxy.com.my/

The Biggest Asian Music Festival™ is Here!

Featuring more than 20 artists, from seven Asian nations for 10 hours of non-stop musical experience 

Kuala Lumpur, 16 March 2011 – Asian music fans rejoice, as Tiger Beer is proud to bring you the biggest Asian Music Festival™ to date – right here in Malaysia. Featuring non-stop electrifying performances for a jaw-dropping ten hours long of musical bliss, the Asian Music Festival™ is undeniably an event no Asian music fans can miss.

With appearance of more than 20 artistes from seven Asian nations, the festival is set to kick off at 2pm at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC), Sri Kembangan this April 30th 2011. There will be massive performances by artistes from both international and local music scenes belting out their best numbers; such as Se7en from Korea, Edison Chen and FAMA from Hong Kong, Taiwanese artistes Jing Chang and Tiger Huang, Bibi from China, Olivia Ong from Singapore, Namcha from Thailand and lastly, our very own Suki and dayDream from Malaysia, just to name a few. 

The excitement doesn’t stop here –three emcees, Paisley Wu from Hong Kong, and Astro MY FM deejays Mei Yan and Jeff Chin – the famous duo that needs no introduction in local Chinese entertainment industry; will further amplify the atmosphere by keeping fans entertained throughout the night. The icing on the cake of the entire festival is definitely the refreshing ice-cold Tiger beers which will be served throughout the event – the beverage that always goes well with such rip-roaring music event. 

“Music is a universally accepted language that brings people and nations together and Asian music in particular, is experiencing a positive growth. Tiger, an Asian brand with international acclaimed status is extremely excited to be a part of this enormous musical event – this is THE festival that Asian music fans have been anticipating for; to experience the ultimate genre defining Asian music and non-stop performances all under one roof. We want it to be a day that all Asian music lovers will never forget,” stated Sean Koh, Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer.

Tickets are now available for sale starting from March 14th onwards at Galaxy headquarters at The Boulevard, Mid-Valley City and Galaxy ticket counters located at Concourse level, Sungai Wang and Wisma MPL (HLA).They are also available at Ticket Charge outlets (www.ticketcharge.com.my); including Speedy Video outlets nationwide, including  East Malaysia. 

Additionally, the public can also purchase the tickets at all Rock Corner and Station One outlets in Peninsular Malaysia, whereas online booking is available at www.ilassotickets.com. Tiger FC members as well as Tiger FC Credit Card and Prepaid Card holders have the privilege to enjoy an exclusive 10% discount off from the ticket price by just flashing their cards at all Galaxy ticketing counters. 

The Asian Music Festival™ is strictly for music fans who are above 18 years of age. The event partners include MY FM, Air Asia, Cathay Pacific, Everlast, Station One, Mint, Canon and Neway. To find out for more information on Asian Music Festival™ and its ticket purchasing details, please log on to http://www.galaxy.com.my/

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